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Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

​1. Jose Beltran Mira, Restrepo, V., Bhaskar Vajipeyajula, and Albert E. Patterson (2025). Effect of Specimen Size, Layout, and Bead Width on the Linear Elastic Fracture Toughness of FFF-Processed Polylactide.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 110842.

2. Carvajal Loaiza, M.J., Ojeda, O., Restrepo, V. (2024). Adaptive bioinspired morphing surface using temperature-responsive elastomer-SMA composites. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 72, 102235.

3. Beltra Mira, J., Restrepo, V., Vajipeyajula, B., Patterson, A. (2024). Impact of Compact Tension Specimen Size on Fracture Toughness of FFF-Processed Thermoplastics, 2024, 06021.

4. Restrepo, V. & Martinez, R.V. (2023). Cross-scale design of energy dissipative composites using self-repairing interfaces based on sacrificial bonds. Materials & Design, 223, 112283.

5. Restrepo, V. & Martinez, R. V. (2021). Bioinspired fabrication of reconfigurable and self-healing elastomeric-cementitious composites using  mechanical adhesives interfaces. Materials & Design, 205, 109691.

6. Restrepo, V.
, Hosseini, M. S., Gallant, C., Weymouth, B., & Zavattieri, P. (2021). A two-scale strategy for the modeling of hook and loop fasteners. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 156, 104600.
7. Pal, A., Restrepo, V., Goswami, D., & Martinez, R. V. (2021). Exploiting mechanical instabilities in soft robotics: Control, sensing, and actuation. Advanced Materials, 33(19), 2006939.
8. Restrepo, V., Villarraga, J., & Palacio, J. P. (2014). Stress reduction in the residual limb of a transfemoral amputee varying the coefficient of friction. JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 26(4), 205-211.

Conference proceedings and other reports

​1. Manuel Jose Carvajal, Maria Isabel Vallejo, and Vanessa Restrepo. Modeling the Influence of Finite Interface Thickness in Staggered Composites Using a Continuum-Cohesive Interface Approach. Proceedings of the ASME 2025 Conference on Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. Houston, Texas, USA. May 5–7, 2025. (Accepted).
2. Maria Isabel Vallejo, Manuel Jose Carvajal, Gage Pankey, Vanessa Restrepo. Impact of Fabrication Process Variations on Epoxy Shape Memory Polymer Mechanical Properties Across Temperature Gradients. Proceedings of the ASME 2024 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. September 9–11, 2024. V001T06A001.
3. Meryem Soltane and Vanessa Restrepo. A Conceptual Development of an Active Camber Morphing Airfoil for an Improved Aerodynamic Performance With Flexible Cellular Skin. Proceedings of the ASME 2024 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. September 9–11, 2024.V001T06A008.

4. Vanessa Restrepo and Oscar Ojeda. Sacrificial Bond Composites and Uses Thereof. 2023, U.S. Patent Application No. 18/339,801.

5. Vanessa Restrepo and Maria Isabel Vallejo. Smart hooks for Adaptive Interlocking Interfaces. 2023, Note: Disclosure submitted to TEES Technology & Commercialization office

6. Vanessa Restrepo. Bioinspired Design and Fabrication of Sustainable Construction Materials with Enhanced Mechanical Performance and Self-Healing Properties. PhD diss., Purdue University, 2021.

7. Vanessa Restrepo. Multiscale strategy for modelling the mechanical performance of hook and loop fasteners based on a detachment process zone model. Master's thesis, Purdue University, 2016.

8. Vanessa Restrepo, Junes Villarraga, and Mónica Londoño. Determination of the most representative topographical variables in sockets for transfemoral amputees manufactured in Colombia. First International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Design, and Manufacturing Technology, September 2012, Pereira – Colombia. ISBN 978-958-722-159-6.

9. Vanessa Restrepo, Junes Villarraga, and Mónica Londoño. Determination of the Ideal Hyperelastic Model for the Numerical Simulation of the Skin. First International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Design, and Manufacturing Technology, September 2012, Pereira – Colombia. ISBN 978-958-722-159-6

10. Vanessa Restrepo, Junes Villarraga, and Jaime Velez, J. Surface optimization of a socket for a transfemoral amputee that reduces the stresses varying the friction coefficient. Blucher Mechanical Engineering Proceedings. 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2012, Sao Paulo – Brazil. ISBN 978-85-86686-70-21, 485-502.

11. Vanessa Restrepo, Junes Villarraga, and Jaime Velez. Analysis of the influence of the residual member percentage on the stress and pressure distribution in the socket-stump interface. VIII Colombian Congress on Numerical Methods, August 2011, Medellin – Colombia. ISBN 978-958- 8719-05-4

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